
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
Partial history taken from “History of Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
The history of this church goes back to the organization of Methodism in
this community before the Civil War in a log school house just north of the
Dan C. Allision farm. Soon after the war, a frame schoolhouse was erected ¼
mile west, but in the same field, and ½ mile east of what was later a frame
building called Hoover School. Rev. Bennifield of Prairie City was assigned
as pastor just before the Civil War. A young Methodist preacher by the name
of Criss was assigned to replace Rev. Bennifield. Rev. Criss advocated the
building of a church.
John Allison and Davey Short were the heaviest subscribers and took the most
active interest. Others donating were: William S. Allinson, Billie Allinson,
Henry Allinson, Mark Allinson, John Shoup, Mary Hoover, Widow Thompson,
Frank Robinson, and merchants of Taberville, Rockville, and Appleton City.
Among those donating were: Robert Allison, Jim Allison, George Allison, John
Bennett, Billie Allinson, Henry Allinson, Owen Short, John Johnson and Bill
Joe Barnett donated the acre for the church and cemetery, and boarded the
stone mason and head carpenter while the work was in progress. Neighborhood
men donated their services for the project. Some hauled rock for the
foundation from nearby farms. Mark and Jim Allinson donated their services
in laying the foundation. Jessie Ridgway donated most of the timber for the
framework of the building. The logs were cut and hauled to the Zeiner Mill
at Whitley Ford on the Osage River where Mr. Zeiner discounted the sawing to
40 cents per 100 foot. Mr. Butler, of Appleton City, was the carpenter who
superintended the erection of the church. The self supporting roof is one of
the proofs of his efficiency.
The church was designed with two doors in the south end. Construction was
begun in the fall of 1879, completed and dedicated in 1881 at the present
site. In the winter of 1920-1921, remodeling was done to the interior, with
one front door eliminated and an alcove built around the one entrance. In
1900 the first organ was purchased for the church through Rev. Babbett, the
men of the church cutting and hauling wood to pay for its addition. Electric
lights were first used in 1950, after their installation by the R.E.A.
During the fall of 1957, the church underwent a complete repair/remodeling
project consisting of new window sills, a new hardware floor, lowered
ceiling, new wallboards on the walls and new baseboard. A new chimney was
built, floors sanded and woodworking finished. In May 1959, new asbestos
siding was applied, which completed the project.
Submitted by Cheryl Bell
