St. Clair County
Historical Society
Officers for 2006-2007:
President - Joan McPeak
Vice President - Judith Guthrie
Secretary - Wanda Alexander
Treasurer - Ethelene Stark
Board members - Paul Heathman, Eleanor Ratliff, Howard McPeak
The Society meets the second Tuesday of each month, except
no meeting in December.
We meet in the basement of the Osceola County Health Department
at 7:00p.m. (just east of the hospital)
Dues are $10 per single, $15 per couple, $25 for business, $50 life membership
A newsletter, "Osage Currents" is issued to the
members quarterly.
Our year begins in September.
Due to change September 2006: Yearly dues will become $10 single,
families $15.
Correspondence may be sent to:
St. Clair County Historical Society
P.O. Box 376
Osceola, Mo. 64776
Upcoming Schedule of Events:
No current postings.
Our policy for Research Assistance:
Research assistance for non-members will be a maximum of
one hour for a fee of $15 . Members will not be
charged the fee for the first
hour. Any research assistance that will take longer than one hour to complete
will be referred
to a private researcher. Requests for newspaper research
must include name of person or event, date of event and location. Direct
research requests to:
Secretary, Wanda Alexander, 204 E Burbank, Appleton City,
Email: Wanda Alexander
Society Books published and sold by the Society:
Volume I "Family Histories", $15 plus $3.50 s&h
Volume II "Cemeteries of St. Clair County Mo", $40 plus $5 s&h
Updates to "Cemeteries of St.
Clair County Mo", $10 plus $2.50 s&h
Volume III "Rural Schools of St. Clair County", $20 plus $3.50 s&h
Volume IV "More Families", $10 plus $3.50 s&h
Appleton City Academy - Annuals for the years: 1911-12 and
1912-13, $5 plus $2.00 s&h
St. Clair County Mo. 1850 Federal Slave and Population
Census, $5 plus $2.00 s&h
Hill & Son Records/Burials 1927-2001, $15, plus s&h... Coming soon!
History of Tiffin, Mo. is being reprinted. Now taking orders, $10 plus
2007 Calendar, available in September
Mini book-- Rives County Mo. 1840 census -- St. Clair and Henry county were taken from what was left from Rives in 1835. We were St. Clair township, Rives County Mo in 1835 and a county in 1841. $5, plus $2.50 Shipping and Handling
St. Clair County Tee-shirts
(grey with black printing of the county and several towns in the county)
Available in large, extra-large and 2X
$10, plus $2.50 Shipping and Handling
All items may be ordered from:
Judith Guthrie
P.O. Box 164
Lowry City, Mo 64763
Officers for 2004-2005:
President - Joan Garrison
Vice President - Judith Guthrie
Secretary - Wanda Alexander
Treasurer - Ethelene Stark
Board members - Paul Heathman, Ruby Shirk